I have an extensive background as an editor. During my 17-year tenure at the helm of Northwest Runner magazine, I polished hundreds of articles in a publication that panels of independent professional journalists voted Publication of the Year in the 24-member Running Network. My fellow editors also gave me a special Cal Ripken Ironman Award in recognition of the consistently high level I maintained while often working singlehandedly. A number of successful authors and freelance writers got their start with my encouragement and advice, seeing their bylines for the first time in Northwest Runner.

I’ve offered the same encouragement and devoted the same attention to detail as a freelance editor for nearly twenty years. In addition to editing hundreds of children’s non-fiction titles, my work also includes adult and young adult fiction, children’s chapter books and picture books, adult memoirs, and a variety of other genres.

Here are just a few of the comments that clients—many of whom keep coming back with new projects—have made about my work.

What writers say

Wildness pondI am exceptionally grateful to Jim Whiting for his superb editorial services as he helped me fine-tune my first rhyming children’s book, Honey Bee’s Adventures at Wilderness Pond. With Jim’s accomplished literary background and expertise in authoring and editing numerous children’s books, he courteously guided me through the maze of anapests, iambs, and other rhyme and reason. 

In other words, after Jim’s insightful and brilliant poetic edits, the only feet that might remain out of place are my own two left ones! I am especially appreciative of Jim’s candor, inspiration, and professionalism, and for making it his goal to help me succeed. Jim is an all-around superstar, and I am truly thankful and honored to have had the opportunity to work with him.

- Cathy Davis, picture book author

What an absolute pleasure it has been to have worked with Jim!

As many writers are aware, finding the “right” editor can be a stressful process, especially when you’re new to the game. Thankfully, after much research, I had a stroke of good fortune when I came across Jim’s profile with the Editorial Freelancers Association. Everything in me told me that Jim would be the best fit for my project. And boy, was I right!

Jim’s professionalism and thorough knowledge of the editing process, coupled with his mastery of rhyme and scansion, respect for his client’s vision, and clarity in which he communicates, has made this both a positive and rewarding experience.

His graceful patience and willingness to teach his craft has helped me to polish my first rhyming children’s picture book to a degree I never would have imagined possible had it not been for his artful insight. Not only do I come away from this process with a book that is more than ready to brave the gruelling submissions process, I also have gained a profound understanding in the art of rhyming.

Jim, you are truly a mentor and a blessing. Thank you for making this process so fun and inspiring. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the right editor for me and I look forward to collaborating on many future projects!

- Jessica L. Carroll, rhyming picture book author/illustrator

We were very lucky to find Jim Whiting through the Editorial Freelancers Association. My friend and I were seeking an editor for my late sister’s manuscript about her cherished dog Hurricane. We had a long and unrevised first draft.

Jim was able to pull together the text as a humorous children’s chapter book. What impressed us the most was his sensitivity to my sister’s voice which he maintained evenly throughout the narrative. He is a sensitive, skilled and talented editor. We highly recommend him.

- Sema Gurun, children’s chapter book author

scarletteIf you are looking for a seasoned editor who is a master in the craft of revision, Jim Whiting is your man. Straightforward, professional, and succinct, Jim tackled my project in time for a publishing deadline I was pushing.

He knew the best alterations to make for the story and asked the right questions to address plot holes. Jim then fine-tuned and tightened the manuscript to make it shine. To top it all off, his intuitive approach brought forth my authorial voice, stamping the seal of originality on the piece.

I came away from the experience with a sparkling manuscript, confident in both structure and style.

- Davonna Juroe, author of Amazon best-selling YA novel Scarlette

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00011]When I first started working with Jim, I thought I was simply hiring an editor to check my manuscript for typos, grammar, spelling, and glaring plot issues.

Jim is much more than just a person who edits my books.

He’s the mentor and coach I hadn’t realized I needed. He manages to bring out the “even better” writer that lurks in the dark recesses within me.

Jim doesn’t tell me what to write, or how to write. Instead, he gives me feedback that forces me to think and helps me to gain clarity about my own story, and about what it is I want my reader to experience.

He encourages me to hone my writing skills and inspires me to transform my stories in ways I’d never dreamed.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, sending Jim that first manuscript is without a doubt the best thing I’ve ever done for my writing. I can’t imagine every having anyone else as my editor, and I hope I never have to.

– Casey Clubb, speculative fiction author

Crystal-MarcosBeing a first time children'€™s author, I wanted to be taken seriously when my book BELLYACHE: A Delicious Tale went to print. Jim made me feel as though he was interested in me as a person and not just a client. I appreciated that immensely.

After Jim Whiting's thorough editing process, I can honestly say I am extremely happy with the results. He made the process easy and it was a pleasure to work with him. Jim not only is an editor, but also a teacher. I learned valuable skills to apply to my writing. I can now say my book is in the shape I envisioned it to be. I plan on having Jim Whiting edit my future books.

– Crystal Marcos, children’s book author

As a first time author, I can'€™t describe what I felt when Jim showed interested in editing my fantasy novel. Perhaps the right words are "€œpeace of mind." Editing presented a particular challenge as the book was written in Portuguese and translated into English. Yet Jim wasn't intimidated by that fact.

Instead he showed great confidence. He was gentle, patient, and fast, guiding me in all the necessary steps all the way through. He was a master in significantly cutting the manuscript length without losing the story line or changing my voice. It was a pleasure to work with him. If you have any doubt about where to send your manuscript to be edited, just send to Jim. You will be grateful. As I said before, he provides peace of mind!

– Rosane Lasta, YA/middle grade fantasy author

Behrens1Jim Whiting has been the blessing I'€™ve been hoping for. Although I had a good story when I first contacted Jim, I was at a loss for how to advance it. Jim did more than help me improve my work. He helped me perfect it.

From the beginning, he took a personal interest in my manuscript. Whenever I had a question, he replied immediately. It didn'€™t matter which word or line or chapter I was referring to, Jim knew exactly what I was talking about.

For some (like me), editing can be a brobdingnagian task, especially while you're trying to be creative. With Jim taking care of the editing and making it look easy, I was able to focus on my research and storytelling. Besides editing, Jim welcomed discussions about the story arc and the characters' names. He even forwarded me an article that added to my research.

Throughout the process, I felt like Jim was gently pushing me to strive for more. His thorough edits challenged me to work harder. I didn't expect to work on this piece as much as I did, but I enjoyed every second of it. Jim's credentials are awe-inspiring, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with an author of his stature!

I couldn't have asked for a better mentor/editor to guide me all the way through. I will miss working on the Serengeti, but I know I'€™ll take all his advice into my future projects!

– Chris J. Behrens, author/artist)

Dave-RowanI’m about to self-publish a guidebook for mountain biking on the Olympic Peninsula and want to tell you that Jim Whiting has been an instrumental member of my team. I found him when looking through the Seattle Editors Guild. While sifting through the resumes of the many well-qualified editors sent to me, it was obvious that his experience most closely matched my needs.

My intuition served me well, too. From the very outset he and I were on the same page. Not only were his line edits superb, but his more substantive suggestions were usually right on too, and I soon began seeing and appreciating how he was helping me knock the rough edges off my manuscript.

Not only that, he was patient, timely and polite, which made working with him an enjoyable experience. I recommend him for any related job. In retrospect I realize it was my great fortune to have had the opportunity to learn something from a master of his trade.

– Dave J. Rowan, guidebook author

I started working with Jim Whiting in 2012. Since then we have worked on picture books, chapter books, YA novels, and even research papers. In each project Jim has helped me not only with line edits, but also with feedback on scene development and overall plot. His experience and honesty have helped me to take my manuscripts to the next level.

Having English as a second language, I sometimes struggle in find the best verbs, words, or similes. Jim has patiently helped me with these searches. I keep returning to him because I trust the quality of his work.

– Roque Neto, educator/author

bankston-benzFor over two years and nearly two dozen books, Jim Whiting was my editor at Mitchell Lane Publishing. In that capacity, he was an attentive proofreader who both tightened and elevated my prose. However, he did much more than improve the original copy. With an artist’s eye he discovered nuances in every work.

Although his changes were never heavy-handed, he often added small sections which made the books more interesting and improved their readability. Jim Whiting understands writers because he is one. I’d recommend his work to publishers hoping to improve their lists and aspiring authors hoping to publish.

– John Bankston, freelance author

Jim-StewartI just started going over your editing and I’m extremely impressed with how you have improved my work.

– Jim Stewart, memoir author

Thank you for the wonderful work that you have done with my book. Working with you, we managed to trim unnecessary and excess details while maintaining the story line.

Your talent to use creative words and restructure sentences enhanced my story both visually and rhythmically. After many edits and with your patience, I am very happy with the final result of my book.”

– Ong Yang, children’s picture book author

KepnesSome freelance writers think of being edited as going to the dentist. They clearly haven’t had the opportunity to work with Jim Whiting. He’s intelligent, that rare editor who doesn’t elaborate more than necessary yet doesn’t leave you in the dark either.

Jim’s more akin to a psychologist in that he reads the material and figures out what the writer is trying to say before making his comments. His thought process makes the editing process improve the work rather than just fix it.

– Caroline Kepnes, freelance author

Jim Whiting is the kind of editor any writer should be looking for. He not only edits grammatical errors, he also asks the hard questions. He asked me questions that helped me write a story that is believable and strong.

He made suggestions to change the story to make it flow. He even did some research to find data and facts for me. Jim is professional and a pleasure to work with.

– Sheri Jo Ball, children’s chapter book author

Working with Jim was a pleasure. He never changed what I had to say, €”only how I said it. Jim went through and took out things which didn’t add value and reworded lengthy explanations to be clearer and more concise.

After Jim'€™s editing, my article was stronger with a more active voice. He worked quickly, and was supportive and polite. I appreciate the experience of working with a master of his trade. I really appreciate his services and will tell anyone I know doing writing about him.

– Meg, freelance writer

Bob-Burgess1Jim Whiting did a yeoman's job in editing this book. His respect for my father shone through as he assisted me in structuring my somewhat disparate thoughts.

– Patricia Burgess, attorney and memoir writer

dance-to-rememberWe’ve been over your edits in two books and you proved so very thorough that we have great confidence in your eye. You even went knowledgeably deeper in correcting obscure names of composers and artists that we might never have otherwise caught.

– Jack Fritscher (writer/publisher)

Wow! You have a real gift. My manuscript is better now that you’ve worked on it and I look forward to working with you again.

–€” Michael Lister, publisher

I certainly was impressed at what a thorough job of editing you did. As you see, I’ve taken almost all of your suggestions.

– Gail Miller, children’s book author

Thank you so much for your editorial advice! I have wrapped up the book and I feel as though it is ready to be sent off.

– Beth Crawford-Mass, children’s book author

Jim’s comments about my writing were constructive and conveyed in an encouraging tone. Jim is the kind of editor who helps build a writer’s career. He encouraged me to take risks and to write for larger markets. I’ve enjoyed working with Jim and respect him on both professional and personal levels.

– Nita Leising, freelance writer

I wrote stories and articles for Northwest Runner for over a dozen years. I appreciated Jim Whiting for the opportunity and encouragement he provided writers. Anyone who has written for Northwest Runner will give you an enthusiastic variation on this comment. Jim deserves it.

– Brian Soneda, freelance writer

“Jim turned Northwest Runner into one of the finest, if not THE best, in a large field of regional publications covering this sport.”

– Joe Henderson (former editor, Runner’s World and author of many outstanding running books)

“I have always found Jim to be an excellent person with whom to work, whether the project involves an event, an article, or anything else related to publishing. He is astute, always professional, and has that attention to detail which allows for great confidence in the end result of whatever he is doing. He makes an excellent team player and he clearly has the ability to see a project through from its start to finish and get it done on time.”

– Lester Smith, Jr. (race director, Portland Marathon)

BenayI can’t thank you enough for your patience and sticking with me over this long project. Your advice and editing tweaks in my prose were just right.

         - Benay Nordby, memoir author